Author Archives: Alyssin Wunderlund

…about The Worst Gluten Free Cookie Mix EVER Review

*Full Circle: Gluten Free Cookie Mix*

Worst GF Mix Ever

I am being very nice in saying this is the worst gluten free cookie mix ever. It is absolutely horrible! I bought it at Big Y. I’ve bought the Full Circle brand before, but this was the first time (and the last time) I picked up something from Full Circle that is gluten free. I’ve been on a roll with the gluten free mixes I’ve tried so I figured, what could go wrong?

It’s products like this that give gluten free a bad vibe. I mean really, if you tell someone that something is gluten free, sugar free, dairy free or whatever free, they already made up their mind that it cannot possibly be any good. And this stuff just reinforces that. Actually, sugar free stuff is pretty nasty so….

Alright, I decided to make these earlier and you know, when you make cookies you have to taste the dough. It’s just plain irresponsible if you don’t! lol Well, I tasted a blob of it and just about spit it out. It tasted like an old ball of silly putty that was mixed with a forgotten bag of flour from 1972. Don’t be starting with, well, what did you put in it? Silly putty and old flour? Noooo. (Or How do you know what old balls of silly putty taste like anyway… hmmmm…. I don’t, so just use your imagination like I did lmao!) I used real butter and real eggs. I looked to see if maybe the mix was long past it’s freshness date… nope. It’s date is sometime in 2013. I even added some real vanilla and some peanut butter… it helped… but seriously dude, only about as much as putting lipstick on a pig.

I figured I was already this far into it so may as well bake them. It helped transform the old dusty putty into somewhat palatable cookies. No, that’s not true. They are gross, they will always be gross. There is no help for this Full Circle Brand of gluten free cookie mix. None. Someone grab the trumpet and start playing taps. These nuggets of nasty are a huge NO in my book. If you try making them, don’t say you were not warned because You’ve Been Warned! If you see this brand, keep walking… better yet RUN!!! Go get yourself the Hodgson Mill Gluten Free Mix… that one is oh so yummy!!


Here is a list of PROS and CONS as well as Alyss’s Rating:

Alyss’s Rating ~ Full Circle: Gluten Free Cookie Mix:

Horrible – Big Fat Cat Turd

(see below for the rating system – not the cat turd, that’s in the litter box)


I wrote another blog post. lol

I will be learning to make my gf cookies from scratch in the near future!


Gummy texture.

Funky smell.

This product should be tossed in the stockade in the town square.

I will just say that what I am referring to as the funky smell, was just the smells of the flours they use in their mix. It wasn’t an “OMG This is full of bugs and is spoiled” smell… everything was intact and sealed. I made the unfortunate mistake of buying 2 bags and they were both the same. Can you say DOH! as I smack myself in the forehead please?

So, anyway, lesson learned. Stick with the tried and true… The only problem is, I can’t find any more of the Hodgson Mill Gluten Free Cookie Mix so I’ll have to order from them and wait lol… oh well, that’s ok by me… after this, I can wait. lol

Thanks for stopping by!


Love, Alyss


Alyss’s Rating Scale:

Excellent! – 5 Cheshire Cats

Very Good – 4 Cheshire Cats

Good – 3 Cheshire Cats

Take it or Leave it – 2 Cheshire Cats

Pretty Bad – 1 Cheshire Cats

Horrible – Big Fat Cat Turd

….about The To Die For Gluten Free Cookie Review

*Hodgson Mill: Gluten Free Cookie Mix*

Well, let me tell you… This cookie mix will be a staple in my home. One of my favorite cookies are peanut butter cookies. I don’t care if they are plain, like the ones I made this time, have chocolate in or on them… I love peanut butter cookies (just don’t add anything weird like raisins eiw!!!! And don’t over cook them either.)! This is a basic mix so, of course, what kind did I make?? Peanut Butter!

To continue with my adding and trying more Gluten Free varieties I decided to make these cookies. I figure now is a good time to try out some more desert-y (Is that even a word?) type things. The air is getting that familiar cozy chill again and the holidays are coming up. I do not want to be sitting there listening to the cookie tray whisper to me without a super delicious Gluten Free version in my hand! Then I can say “Ha! I got me something better!” Turn my head, get up and walk away lol. I also have an ulterior motive… after making these peanut butter cookies, I am going to use this same recipe to make my peanut kiss cookies! (Of course I have to make sure I use Gluten Free Kisses… and in fact, all of my kisses are Gluten Free! lmao!!!) This way, family and friends can try a bona-fide Gluten Free version of one of our favorite cookies!

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Instead of the usual list of ingredients… this time I will just tell you what 5 Delicious Recipes Hodgson Mill offers. (It’s on the back of the box in the picture.) I think it’s pretty cool that this one box of Gluten Free cookie mix can be used as a base for a variety of cookies. The 5 they offer seem to be just the beginning. It will offer me many afternoons of creative fun lol. (Well, so far I have made these twice and both times… guess what kind I made? Yup. Peanut Butter lol)


Almond Cookies: Add almond extract & slivered almonds – simple!

Pecan Cookies: Add pecans lol I don’t think I’ll try these… I prefer my pecans in pie… ooh I have to find a Gluten Free Pecan Pie recipe!!!

Chocolate Cookies: 1oz melted unsweetened chocolate & 1/2 cup sugar.

Peanut Butter Cookies: 1/2 cup all natural peanut butter & add fork design!

Chocolate Chip: Add chocolate chips!

Just imagine what else you can add! Are there favorite cookies you make? Need them Gluten Free? Try using this mix and create!


 Here is a list of PROS and CONS as well as Alyss’s Rating:

Alyss’s Rating ~ Hodgson Mill: Gluten Free Cookie Mix:

5 Cheshire Cats!!!!

(see below for the rating system)


Great Base for unlimited cookie creations!

Texture and taste rock!

They have that nice crunch outside and soft inside, or you can just cook them longer for all crunch.

You can build on it & finally….

It’s really really good!


No cons here unless you just hate cookies.

These cookies came out with that bit of brown on the bumpy parts that make the outside nice and crunchy with a warm soft inside! Heaven!! Of course we didn’t let them cool all the way down! 😉 I got about 27 cookies out of the box. They are about an inch and a half in diameter. I made them a little smaller the next time and got 35.  I will go even smaller when I add the kiss to them. I like mine so there is just a little ring of cookie around the chocolate.

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week or weekend! What are you still reading for? Go get a box of this stuff and get creative! Maybe adding some cayenne to the chocolate ones??? The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. If you have any ideas or added something fantastic… please share! I’m serious! Share your cookie invention!

Just make sure to check your labels to be sure everything you may add is also Gluten Free!

Love, Alyss


Alyss’s Rating Scale:

Excellent! – 5 Cheshire Cats

Very Good – 4 Cheshire Cats

Good – 3 Cheshire Cats

Take it or Leave it – 2 Cheshire Cats

Pretty Bad – 1 Cheshire Cats

Horrible – Big Fat Cat Turd

….about The Deliciously Easy Peasy Mac & Cheesy Review

*Annie’s Homegrown: Rice Pasta & Cheddar Gluten Free Mac & Cheese*

One of my favorite comfort foods is mac and cheese, yes, from the box lol… Check this out! I found this awesome Gluten Free Macaroni & Cheese from Annie’s. I came across it on one of my ventures to the grocery store and figured, why not try it? I am so glad I did! From now on when I get that craving for a bowl of creamy cheesy goodness… I have a delicious GF option!

I have to start adding more Gluten Free varieties in my diet so after the success with the Gluten Free Brownies & the Bodacious Banana Bread I decided why not keep trying! Below are some pics of the box as well as the finished product, there is also one with Coco… lol she had to get her paws in too lol (Not literally!)

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Here is the list of ingredients… it may be hard to see in the picture depending on where you are reading from: (Make sure you’re alone… these ingredients are a secret… shhhh!) (No they’re not lol)

Rice Pasta (Rice Flour)

Cheddar Cheese (Cultured Pasteurized Milk, Salt, Non-Animal Enzymes)


Nonfat Milk



Cultured Milk

Sodium Phosphate

Annatto Extract (for color)

Yes, once in a while a nice hot bowl of creamy mac and cheese just hits the spot. It’s one of those once in a blue moon kind of things for me. So, the good thing is that we recently had a blue moon on August 31. The bad news is that if I make that statement literal, then I have a long wait until the next bubbly bowl of cheesy goodness. If you want to know more about that, read this article. (The moon, not the cheesy goodness, that’s right here.)

I always add butter, glorious buttery butter to my mac and cheese. Sometimes I go all out (lol) and drop in a dollop of sour cream. Now I have to make sure that I buy sour cream that is GF for the next blue moon lol!

 Here is a list of PROS and CONS as well as Alyss’s Rating:

Alyss’s Rating ~ Rice Pasta & Cheddar Gluten Free Mac & Cheese:

4 Cheshire Cats

(see below for the rating system)


Great Cheesy Flavor

You can make it low-fat by changing up the butter/milk

Just as easy to make as ‘regular’ box mac & cheese

You can build on it & finally….

It’s really good!


No real cons here unless you are allergic to dairy, or hate bunnies… (If you are wondering where that bunny comment came from… look at the pictures, you’ll figure it out lol)

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week or weekend! What are you still reading for? Go get a box of this stuff and try it for yourself! Maybe adding some lean ground beef or turkey with some tomato & basil, sprinkle some cheese on top and pop it in the oven… mmmm! I think I need to do this! If you have any ideas or added something fantastic… please share!

Just make sure to check your labels to be sure everything you may add is also Gluten Free!

Love, Alyss


Alyss’s Rating Scale:

Excellent! – 5 Cheshire Cats

Very Good – 4 Cheshire Cats

Good – 3 Cheshire Cats

Take it or Leave it – 2 Cheshire Cats

Pretty Bad – 1 Cheshire Cats

Horrible – Big Fat Cat Turd