Category Archives: Spirituality

…about Angels Amongst Us…

Yes, ye of little faith may just change your tune after reading this little ditty… Me, I’m a control freak, I have a hard time accepting things at face value, I question everything but don’t you question me, I need to not only know why but also HOW/why, I will seek and find every anomaly in a movie…  I was called a ferret at work due to the information I was able to uncover in a short time… you get the picture.

I like all my ducks to be in a row as well as coöperate… you know, like quack on cue… Stepford Ducks with me pulling the strings… things like that. Now I am forced into a life that is more like herding cats. They upset my cooperative mindless ducks and they are either happily living their lives in some wonderful lake or they are now covered in Orange Sauce… I’m hoping it is not the latter. Those crazy cats came into my life and upset everything. There is duck poo and feathers everywhere! Which brings me to the reason for this posting.

Feathers… a very big white fluffy feather was laying in our parking spot years ago. I had a car that was not always cooperative and one day had to call a tow truck to get myself and my son home from the pediatrician… (the car too lol). Tow truck came, hooked up my car on the flatbed. The driver tells me he is going to go back roads instead of the highways because it is now rush hour and it will be faster that way. I was ok with that. My son, meanwhile has been watching the car moving back and forth on the bed behind us… yes, you heard me correctly. He was maybe 8 then so he just tugged my arm and asked me to look at what the car was doing. We were on a hilly back road when I decided to look back and see what he was so fascinated with. What do I witness? My car falling off the flatbed and rolling into this guys front yard while he was standing there at his door looking at his mail. The tow truck driver slams on his brakes and backs up into my car to prevent it from going into the guys yard. If my car wasn’t already dead it was then. He got it back on the flatbed, hooked it up again and off we went. Never phased that guy either, he finished reviewing his mail and went back in the house like this was a weekly occurrence. (maybe it was? lol)

His decision to take back roads saved at least a few folks from a horrible accident had we gone home the usual way… on the highway during rush hour. Once the guy left after plopping my car into our spot and providing all the information necessary for the freak accident… he left. Nothing like watching your car following you with no driver! That was when we found the feather (not your ordinary feather, this one was big and white and so fluffy and most certainly did not belong there… except for us to find it) and my son reminded me of the tow truck drivers name… it was Gabriel. I still have that feather somewhere too…

Lately I have just gotten so wore down trying to herd these damn cats that I decided to just sit back and watch the chaos. I started talking to the Angels again figuring what have I got to lose? I’ve already lost my mind… I can hear it at night randomly banging into the walls and stuff. I wasn’t really getting anywhere and kept waiting to see the random signs that I had seen in the past…. nope. Nothing… or so I thought. Soon I kept seeing consecutive numbers everywhere. Numbers numbers and more numbers, combinations and repetitions that were getting scary it was so often. (actually, frustrating because I wasn’t ‘getting the message’) I would look at the clock and see it was 12:34. I look again at the time and see it is 2:34. At first I would giggle because I would see these numbers everywhere I looked. I would start to question the Angels and say… ok, I keep seeing this soooo??? Nothing. I still kept seeing consecutive numbers so much so that I actually started getting really frustrated… one say I cried out and said “Seriously Angels… can you puleeeeeeeeze make this painfully obvious to me? I’m a dumbass when it comes to figuring out the obvious… please show me clearly the things you want to show me…”

I had to go out later that day and when I did, I was behind this girl and her long ponytail was over her left shoulder and I could see the numbers 234 tattooed on the back of her neck. I just about fell on the floor right there except there was a word in front of the numbers and I was trying to see what it was. It was a tattoo that simply said “Psalm 23:4” I asked for painfully obvious. I got painfully obvious! (Get it? Tattoo’s are painful? lol) I was thrilled and there were prayers of gratitude! There are so many things like this happening to me now it would take years to write it all down… I will leave you with the things that happened from last night to this morning.


I asked again for the very obvious signs… (there is a lot going on in my life right now with the main thorns being foreclosure and being out of work…) I was on my way home last night and was listening to one of my Reiki music CD’s when all of a sudden I needed to turn on the radio. This is what I hear: Free – All Right Now. Specifically from about the 4:25 mark on the song. All they pretty much say at that point is Baby, it’s all right it’s all right it’s all right…. I asked for very obvious. I got very obvious. 🙂

This morning I had some very unpleasant business to take care of (foreclosure stuff where I had to talk to the judge… yikes! But, it’s all right.) I had already turned all of that over to The Universe when I do my Reiki (which is pretty much 24/7) and said thank you for taking care of everything for my highest good. I focused on that fact while I was there in the courtroom. My son took me and I was so very grateful because even though I was no longer worried, it is still very nerve-wracking and it is never fun when your stomach plays whack-a-mole with your ulcers. I would have probably been captured in a butterfly net and taken away to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time and I’ll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats… ho ho hee hee ha ha…  (Do not tell me you don’t get that… go look it up on YouTube lol)

Where was I? Oh, eluding those nice young men with the net…. Back home, we parked. My son points to the trip meter and says “Look!” What did it read? 111.1 Yes, he has noticed as well. When I had finally sat down and took out my phone to call my girlfriend, the time? 11:01. While we were talking I was telling her of the mornings events and the time thing, she laughed and said she just looked at her clock a couple of moments ago and it was 11:11, she didn’t think anything of it until we started talking about it. I decided to look at my phone and I see these numbers 41 (the temperature) and 11:14 (the time). If you don’t know much about the connection with Angels using numbers as one way to communicate, here is a little info about the numbers 1 & the newcomer this morning 4.

The number 1 pretty much means that the time is NOW to hand over your concerns to God and the Angels. You will manifest what you are thinking so you need to stay positive. For me the repetitive 1’s today were a very obvious reminder to stay positive and it’s all right now. (As well as a gentle reminder not to try to take anything back that I already put into their very capable hands)

The number 4? Reassurance.

Combined like that earlier…  41 1141… pretty damn amazing!

Mind you, when I ask, pray, meditate, whatever you want to call it… I don’t sit back and figure I don’t have to do anything further. No, I ask, I thank, I listen and I move forward with these beautiful loving wings holding me up and I have faith. I never thought I could give up control without someone prying it out of my cold dead hands.

Funny how ever since I gave up control my life has been easier, things are just falling into place and I can now see glimmers of light! I’m still a basket case, but a calmer basket case… lol The solutions may not come right away and may be at the last-minute but it’s all right! I’ve stopped trying to figure out what is going to happen, released my expectations and a whole new world is beautifully unfolding before my eyes…

It’s like buying an umbrella when you know there is a storm coming. Just because you bought it doesn’t mean you won’t get wet. You have to do something with it!

Just for today:
Do not anger.
Do not worry.
Be humble.
Be honest.
Be compassionate.

Thanks for sharing this time with me and give up a little control today 😉

Love, Alyss

….What Crystal Tarot Card She Drew Today!

Well, the surprise is on me… I ended up with 2 popping out today. First time that happened.

This is something I have been into for a while and I recently bought my own Tarot Cards. I’ve been trying to start off slow and easy by simply picking one card a day and meditating on what it means for me. It’s really uncanny. Just a little more background on me here seeing that I haven’t gotten around to my “about” page yet. Sorry, I will be working on getting that up soon. I am a Reiki Practitioner… very new at this but Reiki is keeping me sane and pretty much keeping me from jumping off a cliff these days… months. lol More about that another time.

The cards I drew for today are Ace of Cups & Ten of Cups.

Ace of Cups: Good things are coming your way. There is an overflowing of abundance, love, romance or emotions. Focus your energy on your base chakra to keep you grounded during this heady time, or you might get too carried away. You may receive a gift or apply a dormant talent or skill in an unexpected situation. Abolone shell, a feminine stone that lets you see the beauty around you, helps you release emotions that are holding you back from finding love. The energy you have focused on your base chakra will also help you move forward into new relationships or renew and existing one.

Interesting. I need some good things!!! Let’s see what happens tonight! 😉

Ten of Cups:   Happiness and fulfillment are here or within easy reach. You are travelling the right path and nearing your goal. There is a strong focus on the family and close friends. Your inner circle of people are important; they are creating a safe place for you. This is a time of harmony and understanding, a peaceful phase where everything is running smoothly. Angel aura quartz brings you nurture, harmony, love and peace. A stable and satisfying, sexually committed relationship is suggested. The Ten Cups can also represent a sudden revelation or answer, like seeing the light. This could lead to a new beginning.

Well, this is good news! It helps lift my chin up off the ground and gives me some hope that my waiting is not in vain. Not necessarily in the relationship part, but the other parts where I do need answers very much and a new beginning. (Health, home, car, finances… )


That’s all for now… I’m waiting with baited breath to see how this will all play out and where I will end up. Of course you really don’t know the gravity of my situation right now but that’s ok. Now it is time to wash this frustration off and get ready to have a nice relaxing lady’s night tonight with my angel.

Stay tuned for more!