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…about her prediction for the summer weather…

Last night (April 10 2013) Mother Nature unleashed a preview of what is to come. I felt thunder shake the house like I haven’t in a very long time. The lightning was vivid and there was even a huge crack that lit up a very unusual but beautiful lavender color! That was the last of it for me. I was sad and wanted more! My poor Coco was so freaked out by the house shaking thunder boomers she was all crouched down looking fiercely at the front door waiting to attack whatever was trying to get in lmao! I’m sure my excited squeals did not help calm her.

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For those of you who know me… you are aware that I’ve been feeling a bit gypped with what Mother Nature has (or in my case has not) been showering upon us in the North Eastern U.S. Southwestern CT to be exact. There were so many storm cells that just went *poof* as soon as they came into my area! I mean *poof* as in where did it go?!?! Not *poof* there it is… lol I would see others talking about the storms raging around them while I was there looking at the radar and then the sky hoping for something to stay together long enough for me to have some fun too! Yes, it is true that we did have some fantastic weather (shoveling 3 feet of snow… Sandy… ) a lot of the flash and crash that I crave would fizzle before it got to me. I did enjoy the wild weather that was dumped on me… it just wasn’t exactly what I wanted lol.

This year will be different. I will see so much stormy weather that even I, yes, you heard it here first… even I will be sick of thunder and lightning! I’ve almost been struck by lightning 3 times (so far) in my life. I can tell you what it looks, smells and tastes like up close and personal. I was surprised to see that it wasn’t a solid bolt like I imagined it would be but instead saw a cloudy plasma like substance as the bolt. (The next thing I knew I was perched atop an industrial washing machine shaking like a leaf… more with excitement than the strange sensations and fear… it kept going back and forth between the two emotions lol)

Anyway… how do I know this year will finally be my year? (To see some fantastic storms, not to actually get struck by lightning lol) Well, during last night’s storm I would go sit by the window like a cat watching birds at a birdfeeder… I would see some flashes and hear the thunder roll… watched the rain pour down… it would lessen and after a while I would go sit back in my chair and sure enough! As soon as I got comfortable and flipped up my laptop or unmuted the TV… Big flashes and louder crashes… I bolt up and go back to the window… what do I see? Maybe a pitiful flash and quiet thunder then nothing… so, disappointed  I go back to my chair… as soon as I got comfortable… you guessed it, same thing Mother Nature turned up the volume again… So I bolt back to the window… decide that isn’t good enough so instead I detour and go downstairs, open the garage and spend about 15 minutes out there waiting and watching… the rain is less now, not even 1 flash or rumble so I go back upstairs. My son is sitting in the living room and as I am getting to the top step… what happens??? Just go back and read, you get the picture. So my son says to me, you know that happens every time you try to watch… just give up lol. I agreed.

I sat down and dammit what happens??? The biggest and loudest and brightest and longest crash and flash of the night! The one I mentioned above at the beginning, the one that was lavender and shook the house so bad Coco thought we were being invaded!

It is finally my year because of the way Mother Nature handled herself last night. Did you notice that each time her storm was to reach a crescendo I had just left the window or came back indoors therefore missed being up close? Each time it left me wanting more… That was her plan… to have me away from the window or door and only see enough of what was going on out there to really whet my appetite for more. If she gave me the whole show last night it surely would overwhelm me fast seeing what she has in store for wherever I am this year!!

Compare it to being given an unlimited supply of your favorite thing to do, place to go, food or beverage… so do you use up or stuff yourself with as much as you can as soon as you get it? (You end up getting sick to death of your favorite thing and now it’s ruined for you.) OR do you savor little bits each chance you get and make it last and last, using a little more each time to keep that thrill level high? Well, Mother Nature decided to give me little bits last night… she is preparing me as not to overwhelm me. She knows how I crave those tremendous thunderstorms and that I’ve been deprived way too long… like a crack addict… only my crack is thunder!

Makes perfect sense to me anyway. Thanks for stopping by and if storms are your thing… may Mother Nature take pity on you as well and give you some shows too… let the thunder roll!!!!!!!! (I mean NOW please?) Obviously I am predicting I will be seeing a lot more as well as more severe weather this summer/fall than usual… Bring it on!!!

